Our Ayurvedic Products

According to ancient Ayurveda, any organic or natural substance on earth is made up of a combination of five major elements. These five elements are called Pancha Tattva. These five elements are 1. Earth, 2. Jal (Water), 3. Agni, 4. Vayu (wind), 5. the sky

The human body is also a wonderful combination of these five elements. The only difference is that the human body has 'chaitanya' i.e. an invisible power inside the body. That power is also called as "Soul".

Three "doshas" in the body mainly do the work of keeping the human body functioning properly. The three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha govern the entire body. Vata dosha is formed due to Vayu Tattva. Pitta dosha is formed due to Agni element. Kapha dosha is mainly composed of earth and water elements. These three doshas are responsible for all normal and abnormal phenomena in the mind and body. Dhaatu : Those that hold the body, those that can create another body are called dhatu. Seven such metals are mentioned in Ayurveda. 1. Rasadhatu, 2. Rakta dhatu, 3 Maans Dhatu, 4. Med dhatu, 5. Asthi Dhatu , 6. Majja Dhatu , 7. Shukra Dhatu

" Mal " are the waste products that are thrown out from the body. Those are called Trimal. 1. Sweat, 2. Urine, 3. Mal

"Tridosh", "Saptadhatu" and "Trimal" are the three pillars of Ayurveda. These are known as principles of Ayurveda.

LIMARK has thoroughly studied all the above aspects and created some amazing Ayurvedic blends. And most of the products are made using modern vacuum freeze drying process ( VFD )

Introduction to Vacuum Freeze Drying (VFD) Process:

Freeze drying is a process in which any substance is frozen in its original state to dry it. And then the completely frozen material is placed in a vacuum to remove the water, so that the frozen water (ice) in the material can change directly from solid to vapor without passing through the liquid phase and the original material dries.

Advantages of vacuum freeze drying process

Ayurvedic Products Range

LIMARK Digestive Care

  • Helps to remove excess gas from the digestive system.
  • Improves bowel function and is helpful in relieving constipation.
  • People suffering from gas should chew half a teaspoon (1 gram) of the powder in between having meal and then eat the rest of the meal.
  • People who have low appetite should chew 1 gram of powder 15 minutes before meals and then eat. Do not drink water after eating the powder.

LIMARK Arjun Sal Extract

  • Effective in cardiovascular function.
  • Works great in maintaining proper cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL levels.
  • Very useful for heart patients.
  • People who have low appetite should chew 1 gram of powder 15 minutes before meals and then eat. Do not drink water after eating the powder.
  • It is also very useful in white discharge in women.
Dose - Take 1-1 capsule in the afternoon and in the night with warm water before or after food.

LIMARK Anti-oxidant

  • Useful in preventing viral infections.
  • Provides energy to the body by supplying adequate nutrients.
  • Useful in boosting immunity.
  • Any common man can take it. More useful when the disease has spread in nearby areas.
  • Dose - Take 2 capsules with warm water on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning. Do not eat anything for at least half an hour after that.

LIMARK Babhul Phali Capsules

  • It is useful for quick healing of brittle bones, bone pain as well as fractures.
  • It is useful when there is joint pain due to lack of lubrication in body joints.
  • Beneficial in relieving erectile dysfunction, impotence and depression due to masturbation.

It has 3 different uses. The method of use is different for all the three types.
A) Most importantly, it works to reduce the deficiency of the lubricant in the joints and the cushion in the knees. For this purpose take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the evening with milk. It will be more effective if you put the capsule powder in the boiling milk and drink that milk. Only If , you don't like milk, take it with water.
B) In case of weak gums, toothache, the powder in the capsule should be rubbed on the gum after brushing in the morning and after 5 minutes, the mouth should be washed. Notice the difference in 8 days. Gums become strong and healthy.
C) Take 2-2 capsules in the morning and evening with milk in case of erectile dysfunction.

LIMARK Garlic Capsules

  • Regulates the amount of lipids and cholesterol in the body.
  • Used to control blood sugar levels.
  • Agents that stimulate metabolism.
  • Natural remedy to keep blood thin

Dose - Take 1 capsule in afternoon and 1 in the night with warm water before or after food.
Any heart patient can take Arjun Sal extract and Garlic extract together.

LIMARK Pylobact tablets

  • Improves bowel function and is helpful in relieving constipation.
  • Helps the body naturally to stop bleeding in haemorrhoids.
  • People suffering from gas should chew half a teaspoon (1 gram) of the powder in between having meal and then eat the rest of the meal.

Very effective remedy for piles. More effective till bleeding stage. Patients who have severe stage will need to consume for at least 3 months.
Taking 1 capsule after lunch and 1 after dinner.

LIMARK Cow Cholostrum Capsules

  • Improves immunity by acting on the immune system.
  • Regulates the secretion of histamine and thus helps prevent allergies.
  • Improves the digestive system by facilitating the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Mainly works to regenerate cells.

It is especially useful in the weakness of those who have recently recovered from any illness.
Dose - To be taken three times in the morning, afternoon and evening as 1-1-1.

LIMARK Haadjod Extract Capsules

  • Used for rheumatism.
  • Haadjod extract is the Natural source of calcium, which helps the bones join together naturally.

Very useful for people with brittle bones, calcium deficiency and those who have undergone any bone surgery.
Also having sunbath in the morning for 30 minutes is more effective
Dose – Take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the evening after meals.

LIMARK Kanchanar Extract Capsules

  • Useful in removing any kind of tumors, glands and their defects.
  • Has natural urinary balancing properties.
  • It has the power to cleanse the Toxic substances in its elements
  • It regulates the secretion of thyroid hormones and regulates the function of thyroid glands.

Mainly useful for removing hormonal defects as well as removing fat lumps from the body. Also effective on thyroid disorders
Dose - Take 1-1 capsule in the morning and at night

LIMARK Constipation Relief Capsules

  • Mainly used for treatment of constipation, dropsy.
  • Facilitates bowel function by softening stool.
  • It removes kapha and vata and removes the accumulated disorders (faeces) in the intestines
  • Puts and destroys colic.
    (So fragile women, men, children and pregnant women should not consume it.)
  • Useful for indigestion, constipation and increasing bowel function.

Dose - Take 1 capsule in warm water at night (at least 8 hours before wake up time) and at least half an hour after having meal , 1 or 2 capsule (as per requirement) in warm water, if there is no effect with one capsule then go for 2. After 1 or 2 days of using it, there may be 2 to 3 times bowel movements in the morning. After 2 days very sticky discharge will come out. This is a natural process and a sign that the digestive system is being restored.